10 Reasons why you should install a CCTV camera
Nowadays due to the increasing rate of crime has forced people to take security measures to protect their home and business. As technology is growing cheaper solutions are coming to secure the places. In the past, Guarding homes or company was the only solutions for achieving home or business security. More affordable solutions were not there in the market. Due to technology, advanced solutions at cheaper cost have come in the market. Now a different type of CCTV cameras and video door phones are available at a decidedly less-expensive price. CCTV Camera Installation Services are also cheaper and accessible.
In past commercial properties and businesses were using CCTV cameras and other security instrument but today homes and shops are also installing CCTV cameras to protect from any unwanted mishappening, burglaries, and theft. For cost-effective or cheaper CCTV camera and video door phone solutions you can choose Ganpati infotech in Jaipur.
CCTV Camera is the most effective solution for securing homes and business, but video door phones are also giving extra securities to the houses. These have become an excellent deterrent to thieves and burglars.
A study suggests that the proportion of crimes of different types for which CCTV was installed and the percentage for which it was useful. In 62.2% of robbery, CCTV recordings was instrumental. In drug investigations, it was also useful but only 10.7%. In most cases of thefts of motor vehicle and home theft, records were available for the investigation officers. and help them to catch the accused.
There are different types of CCTV camera available as per your needs best fitment. These are IP camera, Fisheye camera, bullet camera, HD camera, day night camera, c-mount camera, dome camera, wireless camera and more. Now you can take the footage of such a camera on your mobile, television, and computer as per your convenience.
Following are the top 10 common reasons to have CCTV camera and equipment installation at your home and business.
(1.) Prevent from Any Criminal Activities
(2.) Avoid Any Employee Theft
(3.) Creating Useful Evidence
(4.) Help Law Enforcement and Solve The Crime
(5.) Keep a Close Eye on Children and Elderly Folks
(6.) Keep an Eye on Necessary Things
(7.) Protecting your Staff from any Wrong
(8.) Encourage Good Behavior
(9.) Monitoring High-Risk Areas
(10.) Increase Customer’s Confidence at Your Business
(1.) Prevent from Any Criminal Activities
Preventing from crime is the most common reason for CCTV camera installation. Its presence demotivates any criminal activities in the area is installed. CCTV Camera stores the evidence of any illegal activities and helps to catch the culprits. It has become a nightmare for the criminals. In home and shops, CCTV camera helps to mitigate the risk of any theft and burglary. At roadside and public places capture the accidental causes and helps to get culprits behind bars.
Many times it happens that after seeing the CCTV camera criminals or intentional ill people left the place without doing any misdeed. It is because they know that if they do anything wrong, they will be caught quickly. Today security forces or Police consider the CCTV camera recording from the crime place or its vicinity.
(2.) Avoid Any Employee Theft
If there is anything wrong happening at your shop or business and you observe that any one of your employees is suspect than CCTV camera installation is the best possible solution for finding the accused of wrong-happenings in your shop or business like office, warehouse, store any others. By installing the cameras, you can easily find the suspect. Also, also can stop any miss-happening in business.
In shops or any type of stores where cash transactions happen and you store your cash you must have a CCTV Camera there because prevention is always better than cure. Every time you can't trust your employee. Even installing a single camera discourages them for any wrong-doings.
(3.) Creating Useful Evidence
If a crime takes place around your places like office, store, and home or any roadside of them. CCTV Camera saves the video footage of an event and becomes the best evidence to catch the culprits.
Today in any mishappening, police personal find the CCTV footage around the place where an incident happened.
Now. Court also consider CCTV camera footage as a piece of sound evidence for the trial run.
So, we suggest that you should have CCTV camera at your place to catch the culprits and help society indirectly.
(4.) Help Law Enforcement and Solve The Crime
As we know that after any crime police collect the video footage When police find the face of the criminal in CCTV footage, they take such photo or video to spread them among the public to get the criminals behind bars. They cover their images or video in different media like new paper, tv channels and others. In this way, CCTV camera has helped law to catch the criminals and send them behind bars.
(5.) Keep a Close Eye on Children and Elderly Folks
Today life has become faster, and nuclear family culture is proliferating because of fulfilling the various needs of life.
Now women are also working to meet these needs. Children and elders safety is also a significant concern. Here CCTV camera can help you to have an all-time watch on your children and elders. You can also keep an eye on your maid and their behavior and control things before any damages. Many pieces of evidence are available to convince us how CCTV camera system has helped to catch the wrong behaviors of maid towards the children and elders.
(6.) Keep an Eye on Necessary Things
If you are a shop owner and have a godown, you want to watch activities happen there. If you have any business like office or factory, you want to have a watch on the activities. For this CCTV camera installation can be the best way to keep watch on such places and events through CCTV camera on your phone and computer.
(7.) Protecting your Staff from any Wrong
You can protect your employee from any misbehave by outsider or customer. CCTV Camera helps you to protect your employee from any violence, false accusations - probably from colleagues or even from customers or client.
(8.) Encourage Good Behavior
Many studies have proven that 60% to 87% of behavioral changes because of CCTV camera in offices. Due to CCTV camera productivity increases in the business areas like factory and offices. An employer can easily have watched on the employees that sense also keep employee attentive towards their work and behavior in the work area.
(9.) Monitoring High-Risk Areas
In offices and manufacturing units there are lots of areas which are on high risk and require 24X7 vigilance of the areas. For this only CCTV camera is one of the best solutions. NASA and ISRO also use high and CCTV cameras to keep watch on every critical activity because a single mistake may cost them billions dollar loss.
Similarly in manufacturing units by watching the critical process, any emergency measures can be taken quickly to avert huge damages or loss.
(10.) Increase Customer’s Confidence at Your Business
Keeping CCTV camera in shops or point of sales area increase the confidence of the customers. It also strengthens the belief in the public places at night. CCTV camera also protects any wrong happening with customers in shops or showrooms done by an employee. It protects them by misbehaves, false allegations and any cheat done by the employee of the shops or showrooms.
Above 10 Reasons for installing CCTV camera in your premises like office, manufacturing units, godowns, shops, and home are enough to understand the importance of CCTV camera. CCTV camera has become an essential part of securing places and reduce the crime.
Ganpati Infotech is one of the best CCTV camera installation services company. It has repair and AMC services for existing CCTV camera system. If you are not satisfied with your current service provider, then you can call us any time to have support. We have the various plan as per your budget and need for CCTV camera installation at a very competitive price.